pp108 : Assigning Teams to Users

Assigning Teams to Users

This topic describes the procedure to assign teams to users.

Before you begin this task: You must have the role of a systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin to assign teams to users.

You can assign teams to users and define the role and validity period for the user in that team. You can assign single or multiple teams to the users. You can map users to a team in the Users - Teams or Teams - Users views.

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (User Manager). The User Manager window appears.
  2. Select Users - Teams view from the drop-down list in the Manager Users window.
  3. Select a user in the Users pane and team(s) in the Teams pane.
  4. Right-click the team and click Assign to Selected User(s). The Add Teams dialog box appears with the following fields. Select as applicable for the team.

    Field Name



    Displays the team being assigned.


    Displays the list of roles in the team. You can select the role from the drop-down list.
    Note: The role with an exclamation mark (warning) signifies it as the lead role.


    Denotes if the team being assigned is the primary team for the user. Select the check box to enable this feature.
    Note: Define a Principal team for a user if that user is a member in multiple teams. This helps that user to report only to the Principal team thereby, avoiding reporting to multiple teams.

    Effective Date

    Denotes the start date of the user tenure in the team. Select the date from the calendar option.

    Relieving Date

    Denotes the end date from when the user is no longer active in the team. Select the date from the calendar option.

  5. Click Save icon.

    A team is assigned to the user.


Related tasks

Assigning Roles to Users
Assigning Tasks to Users
Assigning Sub-Roles
Assigning Tasks to Roles
Revoking Teams from Users

Related information

Modeling an Organization Structure
Virtual Organization Units